(419) 352-0441
13800 W. Poe Road
Bowling Green, OH 43402
The 2025 fair starts in:

Contest Rules
1. Print the appropriate coloring contest page or pick one up in the fair office.
2. Each child may submit one entry.
3. On the back of each entry please make sure to include the child's name, age, the parent's name, parent's phone number and email address.
4. Please return completed pictures to the fair office before July 27th or bring them to the Grange Building on Sunday, July 28th between 9 am - Noon.
5. Entries will be judged and hung up for display in the Grange Building during the fair.
6. 1st, 2nd and 3rd place ribbons will be awarded in each age group.
7. 1st place winners will be notified and awarded a ride pass that will be available for pick up in the fair office. Unclaimed wristbands will be forfeited upon fair completion.
8. If you would like you picture back, you must pick it up on August 4, 2024 between 5:00 - 7:00 pm.